

ABBEY CLAIRVAUX (abbey founded in 1115 by Bernard of Clairvaux and prison after 1808)

ABBEY FONTEVRAUD (famous abbey, prison between 1804 and 1963)

ABBEY MONT-SAINT-MICHEL (illustrious place of the medieval France, prison between 1793 and 1863)

ARRÊT SUR MAISON D’ARRÊT (exhibition organized by the Ligue des Droits de l’Homme Nord Pas de Calais)

CONCIERGERIE AT PARIS (prison during the French Revolution, last dwelling of Marie-Antoinette before her execution)

MUSÉE NATIONAL DES PRISONS (exhibition of the French national prison administration)


BAYERISCHES STRAFVOLLZUGSMUSEUM (exhibition in the former abbey Kaisheim, prison since 1815)

MEDIAEVAL DUNGEONS (“HOLE PRISONS”) OF NUREMBERG (visit of the cellars below the city hall built in the 14th century)

MEDIEVAL CRIME MUSEUM OF ROTHENBURG (spectacular exhibition in medieval crime and criminal justice, even a little bit “outré”)

MUSEUM IM ZEUGHAUS VECHTA (small exposition in a former youth prison)

STRAFVOLLZUGSMUSEUM LUDWIGSBURG (exhibition in the former Zuchthaus than prison of Ludwigsburg, founded in 1736)

STRAFVOLLZUGSMUSEUM WALDHEIM (small exhibition in the former castle Waldheim, Zuchthaus than prison since 1716)

VOLLZUGLICHE SAMMLUNG DER JUSTIZVOLLZUGSANSTALT CELLE (small exhibition in the former Zuchthaus of Celle, founded in 1734, today maximum security prison)

Great Britain

CLINK PRISON MUSEUM (visit of the famous former Clink Prison of Southwark/London, founded in the 12th century by the bishop of Winchester)

DARTMOOR PRISON MUSEUM (exhibition in HMP Dartmoor, founded in 1809)

PENTONVILLE PRISON (no museum but visit possible after registration, prototype of the modern penitentiary, built in 1840-42)


DOGE’S PALACE IN VENICE (visit of the old jails and the new prisons, built in 16th century)


KILMAINHAM JAIL DUBLIN (the world’s only prison built after Betham’s panoptical model)

North America

ALCATRAZ ISLAND (perhaps the most famous prison of the world, situated in front of San Francisco, federal prison since 1934)

EASTERN STATE PENITENTIARY PHILADELPHIA (visit of the model prison, founded in 1829)

MUSÉE NATIONAL DES BEAUX-ARTS DU QUÉBEC (the former Québec City prison, founded in 1867, is today annexed to the museum)

OLD PRISON DE TROIS-RIVIÈRES AT QUÉBEC (visit of the prison founded in 1822, reconstructed the prisoners’ living conditions in the penal system of the 1960s and 1970s)

South Africa

ROBBEN ISLAND MUSEUM (place of banishment, isolation and imprisonment since the 17th century, Robben Island is especially known as prison of the apartheid period)


© Falk Bretschneider